Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Feline Friday



Sawyer’s position during his nap is the most unusual I have ever encountered. He’s a true yoga master.

I have a little surprise for you today—a bonus puzzle.

preview112pieceSleeping Manx Tabby Cat

Sawyer will be joining the Feline Friday blog hop at messymimi’s meanderings. If you’d like to participate in the hop, click on the badge below.

Friendly Fill-Ins

The Friendly Fill-Ins blog hop is hosted each Friday by Ellen (15 And Meowing) and Lorianne (Four-Legged Furballs). They publish the fill-in sentences on their blogs each Thursday. To join the hop, click on the badge at the left.

I am grateful to have a helper again this week. Stinky was kind enough to complete fill-in #2. The fill-ins were not so easy this week. Both Stinky and I used teal italics for filling in.

1. I used to dislike bread pudding until I had some made with croissants.

2. Stinky: If it weren’t for Periwinkle, I would never have any fun.

3. I find higher math very intimidating.

4. Kitties Blue gives me the inspiration to write this blog.

Thanks for joining again today. We will be back with some art on Caturday.


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By admin