Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

by Janet Blue on March 3, 2023

Feline/Flashback Friday

Without any new photos to share with you, I dug way back into my photo archives. This photo is from October 4, 2012. It features Fiona, Lisbeth and Giulietta. I think it is a good accompaniment to this week’s Looking Back post, “Cats in High Places.” If you missed checking out that post, click on the link. I guarantee you will enjoy it.



Lisbeth and our two angels will be participating in the Feline Friday blog hop at messymimi’s meanderings. To participate click on the Feline Friday badge.

Friendly Fill-Ins

Time again to let you know a bit more about Kitties Blue and myself by completing the weekly fill-ins. Ellen (15 And Meowing) and Lorianne (Four-Legged Furballs) host the Friendly Fill-Ins blog hop. On Thursday they each select two sentences to be filled in by hop participants, and you can find those on both blogs. Enter the hop by clicking on the graphic.

I got some help with filling in from both Stinky and Sawyer. And even the one fill-in I did is about Sawyer. He is the most helpful of all the Kitties Blue when it comes to the Friendly Fill-ins. We all used teal italics, and additional info is in parentheses.

1. Stinky: Having adventures with Periwinkle is always super fun.

2. Sawyer: Did you know that I like treats?

3. I know how scary it is when Sawyer has a seizure all too well.

4. Sawyer: I can’t explain why I don’t like the medicine Mom and Dad put in my noms. (One of them is even tuna flavored!)

Thanks for dropping in to see us. We’ll be back again tomorrow with some Caturday Art.


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