Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

ELLIE:  Mr. Waffles, I’m supervising Glogirly while she works on her taxes. Do you want to help?

WAFFLES:  Kind of busy, Ellie. There’s no sun over there either.

ELLIE:  Yeah, but there’s a pretty awesome cat tree. 

WAFFLES:  Have at it, Ellie. I’m busy.

ELLIE:  You don’t look busy, Mr. Waffles.

WAFFLES:  It takes a lot of skill to not look busy when I’m this busy.

About Today’s Photos

April 15 is fast approaching, so when Glogirly isn’t skiing, she’s prepping her taxes. And that means a LOT of supervision on Ellie’s part. Until there are bank statements and receipts cluttering the floor and bags of paper to climb into, Waffles is taking a back seat in the sun.

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By admin