Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Stinky is anxious for Periwinkle’s arrival. Before they embark on their adventure, he has something really cool to show her in the yard. He knows she’ll squeal and clap her paws, and it always makes him happy to see her excited. He doesn’t have to wait long for her arrival. After the familiar whoosh, Periwinkle comes tumbling out of the teleportation tunnel right into Stinky’s paws. They share several paw hugs and whisker kisses. Then Stinky takes Periwinkle’s paw and leads her outside before she can even ask about his plans.

Baby Robins



When Periwinkle spies what Stinky brought her to the yard to see, she reacts just as he predicted. Hopping from back paw to back paw and clapping her front paws together, Periwinkle squeals and says, “Oh Stinky, they are so adorable. Look at their little mouths are wide open as they wait to be fed. Do you know what kind of birds they are?”

Stinky responds, “I didn’t until yesterday. Mom saw the mother bird come to feed them yesterday. They are baby robins.”

“They certainly are crammed into that nest. I bet they will be flying soon,” says Periwinkle.

“Probably so,” replies Stinky. “So, are you ready for our adventure?”

“Well, I could watch these cute little birdies all day, but, sure, let’s get cracking,” replies Periwinkle.

Stinky leads her back into the teleportation tunnel and moments later they arrive at what looks like a quaint little village. Stinky tells Periwinkle that they are in Old Salem in North Carolina.

Old Salem, North Carolina

Stinky gives Periwinkle a little information about their locale: “This is an historic district of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The Moravian community originally settled it in 1766. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1966. The district exhibits the culture of the Moravian settlement during the 18th and 19th centuries, which includes communal buildings, churches, houses and shops. The history of the district is quite interesting. I suggest our readers check it out on Wikipedia. If I try to tell them about it, it will take me all day.”

The tabbies begin walking around the district stopping often to take photos.

T.  Bagge Merchant


Stone building with reddish/brown shudders and bench in front with two cartoon tabby cats.


“Periwinkle, I like your new fur adornment. You look very pretty.”

“Thank you, Stinky. I got it inside. This store has the funniest name. It is T. Bagge Merchant. I think if using my initial sounded like what someone uses to make tea, I would use my first name.”

“Do you know the person’s first name?” Stinky asks.

“Yes, it is Traugott,” replies Periwinkle.

“Well, there is your answer, Periwinkle. That is definitely a weird name!”

Periwinkle tells Stinky, “He came to the United Staes from Sweden. If our readers would like to know more about him, they should check out NCPedia.”

A. Butner Hat Shop


Two cartoon tabby cats sitting on a bench in front of a shop with a sign with a top hat and the words, "A. Butner 1825."


Finding another cute shop, the tabbies go inside to see what they can find out about it. The nice lady working there tells Periwinkle & Stinky that the proprietor, Adam Butner, first opened the hat shop when he came to the area, but he was best known as the operator of the Salem Tavern, which he purchased in 1850.

“Too bad he wasn’t around in the late 1700s, as George Washington visited the establishment in 1791,” Stinky remarks.

Frederick Edward Belo Sculptures


Two cartoon tabby cats with iron sculptures of a dog and a lion.


“Stinky, please get down. As usual, you are making me nervous,” Periwinkle tells Stinky. She then asks him what he knows about the sculptures.

“This fellow Belo…” Periwinkle starts to giggle before Stinky can say anything else. He gives her the stink eye, and she puts her paw over her mouth.

“As I was saying, Belo was trained as a cabinetmaker. However, he built a brick store on Main Street. He and his family lived on the second floor. At a later date, a third floor was added to accommodate staff. This guy was really multi-talented. He created the dog and lion sculptures in his foundry along with iron railings and grills for his home. Originally there were two dogs. Oh, and he helped build a railroad between Winston-Salem and Greensboro, North Carolina.  He also was a farmer and raised flowers as well. If our readers would like to know more about Belo and his house, they can find that info at Salem Congregation and Winston-Salem Time Traveler.”

“Wow, Stinky, I wonder when he found time to sleep?”

Salem College

“Stinky, this is beautiful. Where are we now?”

As Stinky hops to the top of the fountain, he tells Periwinkle, “This is Salem College.”


Two tabby cats in a courtyard garden with a fountain and a bench between brick buildings.


Periwinkle considers asking Stinky to get down but knows he won’t listen, so she just tells him, “If cats attended college, I’d like to go here; it’s so beautiful.”

“You could, but I wouldn’t be able to come with you.”

Periwinkle asks, “Why not?”

“Well, Salem College is a private women’s liberal arts college. It was founded in 1772 as a primary school, then became an academy and ultimately the college was added. My mom found the coolest old photos of the college and students on-line and says that they are definitely worth looking at. Here’s the link if our readers want to check them out: Winston-Salem Journal.”

“Your mom’s right, Stinky. Those are great photos!”

“We need to make one more stop, Periwinkle, and then I have a great place for us to have a picnic before we head home. Let’s pop back into our tunnel, as where we are going is about four miles from here.

“Sounds great, Stinky.”

Reynolda Gardens

These are Reynolda Gardens. The grounds were part of the Reynolda estate established in 1917 by Katharine Smith Reynolds and her husband R. J. Reynolds, founder of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. The Gardens are now part of Wake Forest University. They serve as a 134-acre outdoor horticultural site and are open to the public from dawn to dusk all year-round. There are colorful gardens, scenic walking trails and a waterfall.


Two cartoon tabby cats on a path between rows of red and white tulips.


“Stinky, this is gorgeous and so peaceful. We could have our picnic here.”

“We could, but I think you’ll enjoy where we are going after this. We’ll need to go back to the teleportation tunnel, as it is about 72 miles away by car.”

Lover’s Leap

“You are right, Stinky, this is the purrfect place for our picnic. The scenery is fabulous. Where are we?”

“This is Lover’s Leap in Meadows of Dan, Virginia,” replies Stinky.


Two cartoon tabby cats, on a cliff with a pole with locks left by lovers, having a picnic.


“Why is it called Lover’s Leap and what are the locks for?” Periwinkle asks.

Stinky tells Periwinkle that there is a legend about a settler’s son who fell in love with an Indian maiden, Morning Flower, who was the Chief’s daughter. The couple would meet secretly, and their love grew. The couple was shunned and threatened, so they decided to jump from the spot and ensure they would always be together.

“That is very romantic, Stinky, but let’s not do the same. Now, what about the locks?” asks Periwinkle.

“Couples put their names or initials on the padlocks. Then they lock them on the pole to symbolize that their love is unbreakable. The key is thrown off the cliff. It is a tradition that is practiced all over the world. Often the padlocks are placed on bridges and the keys thrown in the river.”

“Wow, Stinky I wish we’d brought a lock to add to the pole.”

“What makes you think I didn’t?” asks Stinky.

Periwinkle looks again at the pole and sees a fuchsia padlock with Stinky and her logo on it. She gasps, gets tears in her eyes and throws her paws around Stinky’s neck. “When did you do that, Stinky?”

“While you were unpacking the treats.”

“You are the best boyfriend in the whole world. Thank you!”

After more hugging, the tabbies settle down to have their snacks and admire the view. When they finish, the tabbies pack up and return to the teleportation tunnel for the trip back to Stinky’s house.

Stinky’s House

“Stinky, let’s go check out the baby robins,” suggests Periwinkle. “Hey, there’s only one in the nest now.”

“My mom says two of the babies left the nest right after you and I departed on our adventure. I guess they are now on an adventure of their own,” Stinky tells Periwinkle.

“Hope it’s a good one! This has been a terrific day, Stinky, Thank you. I guess it’s time for me to head back home.”

The tabbies spend several minutes paw hugging and whisker kissing. Then Periwinkle enters the teleportation tunnel and with a wave and a whoosh leaves for home.

Stinky retires to the catio to tell his fursibs about the day’s adventure.

The End

Periwinkle and Stinky will be participating in the Happy Tuesday blog hop at Comedy Plus. You can do the same by clicking on the badge below.



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