Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

A Lame Plan

Periwinkle arrives slightly early for this week’s adventure taking Stinky by surprise. He doesn’t have any time to even worry about whether or not Periwinkle will enjoy what he’s planned. Unfortunately he’s not near the tunnel when she comes tumbling out. But when he hears the whoosh, he quickly hurries to help her up.

After several whisker kisses and paw hugs, Stinky asks, “Periwinkle, did you know that today is National Pet Day?”

“No, I didn’t. Are we going to spend the day petting each other and your fursibs?”

“No, and celebrating it isn’t what I originally planned, but my mom said what I wanted to do is lame.”

“What was that Stinky?” asks Periwinkle.

“I had colored some Easter eggs and asked one of our resident bunnies to hide them for us to find,” explains Stinky.


Cartoon tabby cat with a real bunny and an Easter basket with decorated eggs.


“I think that would have been fun Stinky, but if we aren’t going to do that, what is the plan?”

National Pet Day

National Pet Month/Day badge.


“National Pet Day is an annual event celebrating all of our friends with fur, fins and feathers. I thought we could give our friends some ideas of how to spend it. We’ll concentrate on cat activities, as you and I are felines,” Stinky explains.

“Oh, I think that is an excellent idea! Can I go first?”

“Of course,” replies Stinky.

Treat Time

“This is especially for you and my brofur, Raz. Pet parents can give their cat a few extras of his favorite treat, but they shouldn’t let him help himself. He might hork. I know both you and Raz have helped yourselves on more than one occasion.”

“Periwinkle, I am certain I have never done that,” exclaims Stinky.

“Then what is this?” asks Periwinkle showing him the evidence.


Cartoon tabby cat with jars of cat trees, which have been knocked onto the floor.


“I’m certain those fell off the counter all on their own,” argues Stinky. Periwinkle just roles her eyes.

“Periwinkle, how about getting your cat some fresh or dried catnip?”

“That’s a good one, Stinky. Let’s see if Astrid will share some of her’s with us!”


Two cartoon tabby cats with a real tortoise shell cat and a sprig of catnip.


“I think we’re going to have to sneak some while she’s looking away, Periwinkle.”

Play Time

“Spending additional time today playing with your cat is another good idea,” suggests Stinky. Your human can throw your favorite mousie or other toy for you to retrieve. Mau liked doing that,” Stinky tells Periwinkle. The red dot (laser) toy and wand toy are fun as well. One of our favorite toys at my house is a bird that hangs from an elastic cord in the doorway. Raleigh particularly likes to play with it.”


Ginger tabby cat playing with a hanging yellow bird toy and being watched by two cartoon tabby cats.


“Hey, Raleigh, give us a turn,” Periwinkle shouts. Raleigh totally ignores them.

TV Watching

“That really does look like fun, Stinky. You know, lots of cats like to watch TV. I know there are lots of shows on about animals that any cat would enjoy. Here’s a few: The Zoo from Inside, My Pack Life, The Aquarium and Too Cute Cats. All are on Discovery+. World’s Funniest Animals is on The CW, and Animal Clips is on National Geographic. There are dozens of others.”

“They also should check out Animal Planet as well as YouTube and Instagram,” says Stinky. “Also, my sisfur, Kizmet, enjoys sports shows with lots of movement and balls, like volleyball, basketball and soccer. She even enjoys Paralympic tennis.”


Grey cat sitting with paws outstretched and resting on the television while it watches Paralympic tennis.


“Stinky, I can see that Kizmet actually has her eyes right on the ball. That is so cool! I bet lots of other cats would enjoy sports as well.”

Going Outside

“Some cats like to go for a walk on a leash or a ride in a stroller. That would be fun for our readers who live in places where spring has actually arrived. And both Misty May and Kizmet have gone for bike rides with our dad,” adds Stinky.

“Stinky, Kizmet just invited me to go with her for a stroller ride.”

“That’s cool. Can I come too?”

“Nope, this is just for girls,” Periwinkle replies.


Grey cat with a cartoon tabby cat in a purple stroller.


“Wow, Stinky, that was really fun. You need to try it sometime. I’m sorry we left you out today.”

Video Games

“I guess it’s okay, Periwinkle. I did come up with another idea while you were gone. There are fun video games for cats, like Mouse for Cats, Cat Fishing 2 and Cat Fishing Simulator.”

“I saw your mom’s post, ‘Can Cat’s Cooperate,’ from yesterday with Cooper Murphy, Astrid and Audrey playing Mouse for Cats. It really looked like fun. Hey, Stinky, it looks like Cooper is playing now. Maybe he’ll let me join him.”


Cartoon tabby cat and a sleeping orange tabby cat with a nearby iPad displaying the Mouse for Cats game.


“Cooper Murphy appears to have fallen asleep. Come play with me, Stinky.”

“I think we should finish our list first and then we can do whatever you want,” Stinky replies.

“You’re right,” Periwinkle tells him.

“I have a sort of silly idea, Periwinkle. Some animals really love snuggling down into warm laundry, like my sisfur, Calista Jo. Humans could do a load of laundry today so their kitty could curl up when it comes out of the dryer nice and warm.”


Cartoon tabby cat looking on as a dilute tortoise shell cat sleeps on a pile of socks.


“She sure does look warm and snuggly. But, you know, Stinky, the very best thing pet parents can do today is spend time snuggling and cuddling their cat if s/he enjoys that. And look, Misty May is in your dad’s lap right now. I think you should join her.”

Cuddle Time

“Good idea,” Stinky tells Periwinkle before joining Misty May.


Man cradling a tuxedo cat in his arms with a cartoon tabby cat sitting on his other arm.


“Stinky, I think we came up with some really great ideas, but I know humans can come up with lots more.”

“I agree, Periwinkle, and they can even help animals that don’t have homes by donating money, food litter or toys to their local shelter.”

“Stinky, I think that’s the best suggestion of all.”

“And after pet parents do some nice things for their animals, they can treat themselves. It’s Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry’s.”

Periwinkle giggles and gives Stinky a big paw hug before the two head to the kitchen for some of those extra treats.

Finally it is time for Periwinkle to head home. The two tabbies spend several minutes cuddling and whisker kissing. Then Periwinkle enters the teleportation tunnel and with a wave and whoosh is gone. As he always does, Stinky heads for a cozy spot to nap and dream of his beautiful girlfriend.

The End

Periwinkle and Stinky will be heading over to Comedy Plus to join in the Happy Tuesday blog hop.

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By admin