Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Thankful Thursday

We have a long list of thankfuls for this week.

In spite of Sawyer being a a little stinker and hiding for a major portion of our time away, meaning he didn’t get his meals or meds, he hasn’t had a seizure in three-and-a-half weeks. That’s the longest he has gone without one in quite a while. I do attribute that to our now feeding him kitten food with his meds.

I am thankful to have been one of three first commenters on The Tuesday Teaser at Two Spoiled Cats. But even better, I am thankful to have provided the Teaser photo and to have stumped all the guessers. I received these two badges.


Badge for fooling everyone with the Tuesday Teaser photo at Two Spoiled Cats.








Dad Tom and I are thankful for reaching our 50th wedding anniversary and enjoying a few days away at the Hope and Glory Inn in Irvington, Virginia. Periwinkle & Stinky visited there on Tuesday. If you missed that post, here’s the link, The Adventures of Periwinkle & Stinky: Part CLXXXVIII.


Man and woman in their 70s cuddled together in a restaurant.


Our next thankful involves some very special friends. On the way home from our trip, we met Pam and David (Two Spoiled Cats) for lunch. We hadn’t been able to get together since August 2021, so it was a particular pleasure to have this time together.


Two women (one with long blonde hair and glasses and one with short dark hair) in front of a sign for Randolph's on the River restaurant.


Our final thankful also involves Pam and David. They gifted us with this gorgeous anniversary present, which Dad Tom and I will cherish always. (Sorry I didn’t get a better photo of it.)


Shadow box with two human figures made from stones, a real piece of tree and a branch with a red heart and the words: Janet and Tom Love is forever Celebrating our 50th Anniversary


Thankful Thursday is a blog hop hosted by Brian. To participate, post on your blog for what you are thankful and then click on his badge to join the hop.

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

On Thursday, I also enjoy writing some poetry based on an inspiration photo provided by Angel Sammy and Teddy from Two Spoiled Cats. I do attempt to add one or more of the Kitties Blue to the photo each week, but this week I didn’t find a way to do that and then write a convincing poem.

So here’s the phone sans kitties followed by my poem.


Ballroom filled with dancers from the 1950s at a cotillion.


The Cotillion

Once upon a time, young ladies and men
Practiced this annual tradition
Of dressing up & going to cotillion—
A custom from the eighteenth century
For young people of a certain pedigree.
It’s still a practice not just a memory.
Dinner jackets and white dresses,
Boutonnieres and wrist corsages—
All dictated by the most stringent protocols.
In the long past, I did enjoy this.
But now I am content just to reminisce,
As I remember the night of my first kiss.

© Janet Buickerood Blue – 05/24/2023

If you’d like to try writing some poetry, check out Two Spoiled Cats (by clicking on the poetry badge) for next week’s inspiration photo. Please read Angel Sammy’s poem when you visit. He sends it to Teddy each week from the Rainbow Bridge, and his poems are always exceptional!

Thanks for joining us today. We’ll see you again tomorrow for Friendly Fill-Ins and Feline Friday.


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By admin