Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Feline Friday

Did you think this was Calista Jo? It sure looks like her. Actually it is a neighborhood kitty napping on our front porch. This cat has been hanging around for at least a couple of years. I think she might live across the street and two houses down, but I am not really sure. She hangs out pretty much wherever she likes, and as none of Kitties Blue have outside access, it usually isn’t a problem. She does occasionally come up the back stairs to the catio screen door, which does elicit some puffed up furs and growls from whichever of our gang happens to be on the catio.

Please don’t tell any of our gang I featured her here That might get me in the dog house. MOL!

Neighborhood kitty will be stopping by messymimi’s meanderings Feline Friday blog hop. Click on the badge below if you would like to join the hop.

Friendly Fill-Ins

The Friendly Fill-Ins blog hop is hosted each Friday by Ellen (15 And Meowing) and Lorianne (Four-Legged Furballs). They publish the fill-in sentences on their blogs each Thursday. To join the hop, click on the badge at the left.

My faithful and frequent helper, Sawyer, is back today. He kindly completed fill-in #3. We both used teal italics for our fill-ins.

1. Back in the day, Dad Tom and I were both two inches taller than we are now.

2. A giant panda is an unconventional pet I would like to have.

3. Sawyer: Though treat taster is my dream job, I’d also settle for working as a bed tester.

4. I’d like to get Hugh Jackman‘s autograph.

So that’s it for today. If you managed to make it by to see us, we really appreciate it. Since our e-mail notifications of posts are so hit and miss, you might consider adding us to a Reader or bookmarking our site.

We’ll be back tomorrow with some Caturday Art.


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By admin