Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Each week on Thursday, we share our thankfuls and join the Thankful Thursday blog hop hosted by Angel Brian. As usual, we have several thankfuls, and Sawyer has asked to go first.

Sawyer is thankful for the wonderful Christmas gifts his girlfriend Noelle (Friends Furever) sent him. Unfortunately he had a seizure the day they arrived, so he really wasn’t up to playing then. But, he wanted to share this photo and let Noelle know publicly how appreciative he is, especially for the treats. Sawyer does apologize for looking so grumpy. In his defense, I did bother him while he was napping.



I am thankful for the beautiful gift Noelle’s mom, Sharon, sent me as well as the gifts from other wonderful friends.

I also am thankful for being one of two first commenters on the Tuesday Teaser at Two Spoiled Cats. What made that even more fun was the fact that Noelle’s mom, Sharon, was the other first commenter. We both received this badge.

Tuesday Teaser First Commenter badge.

Kitties Blue and I are thankful to everyone who follows us, joins our Sunday Selfies blog hop and comments on our posts. We wouldn’t be here without all of you.

If you’d like to join Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday blog hop, click on his badge.

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

It’s time for poetry today as well. Each Thursday, Angel Sammy and Teddy (Two Spoiled Cats), provide interested participants with an inspiration photo on which to base a poem. Here is today’s photo followed by my poem.


Child with blue coat, red scarf and striped knit hat catching snowflakes on tongue.



This is something I didn’t do as a kid,
as snow didn’t fall where I lived.
One day, however, we had a freak snow,
but about catching snowflakes I didn’t know.
My sister made snowballs, put them in the freezer!

For some years I lived in the mid-part of our nation
where we got too much winter precipitation.
No longer a child, I really didn’t find it much fun—
days and days waiting for the warmth of the sun
to melt the filthy remnants of winter’s wrath.

Now I live where we’ve had years with heaps of snow
and some when there has been nothing to show.
The earth’s warming has changed the climate here.
These days snow rarely finds its way anywhere near—
no chance to catch a snowflake on one’s tongue.

© Janet Buickerood Blue – 01/03/2024

I did write another poem based on a snowy inspiration photo to which I added Cooper Murphy. It is titled, “Snow Cat,” and you can find it here.

Each week Angel Sammy transmits his poem from the Rainbow Bridge to Teddy for publication. In our opinion, Sammy is a super talented poet, and he always writes an A+ poem. So, pop on over to Two Spoiled Cats, by clicking on the poetry badge, to check out Sammy’s poem and get the photo for next week’s challenge.

Thanks for joining us today. We plan to be right back here tomorrow.


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By admin