Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

I love all parts of a kitty’s body. Sure, I have an affinity toward the toes and tiny baby-corn teeth, but every inch of a cat is glorious.

Usually, when my cats sit, they’re feet are tucked in together, looking tidy. Cats like tidiness. Cosmo’s usually a tidy sitter, but every once in a while, he pulls this move that I call “thumper foot.” One of his back feet pokes out just a little, taking away from the tidiness of his pose. I always laugh when he sits like this.

I have something to share with you and promise it’s the truth. My daughter was even present as a witness! Cosmo was sitting thumper-foot style and then that foot starting thumping up and down really fast, but only for a couple of seconds. He looked just like Thumper from Bambi! My daughter and I looked at each other like, “Did you see that too?” And then we couldn’t stop laughing at sweet Cosmo, our little Thumper boy. Of course, he’s never done it again … unless he thumps his foot in private. Could be.

SOURCE: Catladyland: Cats are Funny – Read entire story here.

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