Tue. Sep 24th, 2024

Click HERE to step back in time 15 years and read our first every blog post called Nice to Meet You.

Little did we know, those first words written in a cat’s voice would blossom into a decade and a half long relationship with so many wonderful friends and readers across the country and the world. It truly has been one of the most important and rewarding parts of our lives. It’s hard to find the right words to express what your friendship, love, and support has meant to us as you’ve welcomed us into your inboxes and your hearts.

Just another Waffles & Ellie love fest. 2022.

Rest assured, our blog isn’t going anywhere and the 2,493 blog posts we’ve published will remain right here, forever. (…as long as Glogirly remembers to pay her bills! LOL!) After all, when Glogirly can’t remember when something happened or where a special photo she took is, she just searches her blog. It’s like her own personal encyclopedia and diary. She’d be lost without it.

She’d be lost without you. 

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. You have filled our hearts and lives more than you know.


Glogirly, Gloman, Waffles, Ellie, and our beloved Katie, the cat who started it all.

Katie, 2017.

Waffles, 2020.

Ellie, 2021.

Ellie in Gloman’s arms, 2021.

Ellie & Waffles, working hard in the home office, 2023.

Forever Katie, 2005-2020. Photo taken in 2014.

Waffles signature “who me?” look, 2018.

From our Saturday TV Trips series, Waffles & Katie, 2015.

Shenanigans with Ellie & Waffles, 2022.

The great moth hunters. Waffles & Ellie, 2022


Katie watching the world through her mountaintop window, 2017.

Master of head-butts Waffles, with his girl, 2020.

Caught in the act! Waffles & Ellie, 2022.

Blogging is HARD work. Waffles & Ellie, 2022.

Katie & her girl, 2014.

Glogirly & Gloman. ❤️

Glogirly, a.k.a. Debbie Glovatsky, will be keeping our Facebook Page and her personal Facebook profile going, long into the future. To keep in touch, you are welcome to send her a friend request, as long as you don’t mind lots of skiing and cat photos. 

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By admin