Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Angel Sammy and Teddy from Two Spoiled Cats provided another hysterical photo for this week’s poetry challenge.



If I was the mom of these two, I wouldn’t even know where to begin to try to clean them up. My poem is a conversation between the little blonde girl and the mom in alternating stanzas. The child is speaking first.

Child’s Play/Mom’s Dismay

Mommy, look I’m an artist!
I’ve decorated my little sis.
I think she looks so beautiful.

Oh no, that ink is unremovable!
What could you have been thinking?
I swear I might start drinking.

What’s wrong, don’t you like my art?
I’m out of ink so I can’t restart!
Do you have another marker I can use?

I’m going to be accused of child abuse
If you don’t go to your room this minute.
I swear you’ve pushed me to my limit!

I don’t understand why you’re mad.
I tried super hard not to be bad.
You told me not to draw on the walls.

So, why didn’t you go play with your dolls
And leave your sister alone to sleep?
I swear I’m going to breakdown and weep!

© Janet Buickerood Blue – 03/20/2024

Each week Angel Sammy transmits his poem from the Rainbow Bridge to Teddy for publication. Sammy is one of our favorite poets, and his poems are always worth reading. Please stop over to Two Spoiled Cats, by clicking on the poetry badge, to check out Sammy’s poem and get the photo for next week’s challenge.

Thankful Thursday

Kitties Blue and I look forward to sharing our thankfuls with you each week. Gratitude is such an important part of living a happy life.

I am thankful for the opportunity to have gotten outside twice since last week to work on weeding my flower beds. Of course, I have lots more to do, but I have made progress and am enjoying seeing the daffodils, hyacinth, muscari and tulips coming up and blooming. Today, I even saw some hostas starting to put up shoots. And my peony plants are already a foot tall.

Kitties Blue and I are always thankful for your support, comments and friendship.

Thanks for joining us today. We look forward to seeing you again tomorrow.

We will be participating in the Thankful Thursday blog hop hosted by Angel Brian. Click on the badge below to join in the hop.

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