Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Missing Raleigh Returns

If you weren’t with us yesterday, you will probably want to check out that post. The link is at the bottom of this one. And, if you joined the hop prior to 3:30 a.m., you may not know that Raleigh returned home. I heard frantic scratching at the locked cat door at 3:30 a.m., seven-and-a-half hours after he disappeared into the darkness. I assume the rain we had last night as well as his hunger were the impetus for his return.

Which of the Kitties Blue Is to Blame?

We had no idea how Raleigh escaped the catio. But, now, I must rat out the sneaky cat who brought about his daring escape. The photos, sort of, tell the story…or rather the aftermath!



When Tom was on the catio yesterday morning, he caught Kizmet in the act of letting herself in through the loose screen on the screen door. We didn’t know the screen was no longer attached to the door. Wonder who did that? We’d already had to tape up Misty May’s electronic cat door when Kizmet figured out if she was right on Misty May’s heels when she went through, she too could get outside. We knew we would need to replace the door at some point.

At first, Dad Tom tried taping the screen. That only stopped Kizmet for a nanosecond. So, we decided to block the screen with cardboard, thinking if we put it on the outside, Kizmet couldn’t pry it off. You can see in photos one and two that wasn’t going to stop her. So cardboard went up on the inside as well. No additional escapes followed, but we will be shopping for a new screen door today.

Kizmet is too smart and too sneaky for her own good. She makes Sawyer’s previous Houdini acts look like third-rate imitations. She did lose her tracking collar on one of her forays, but Dad Tom was able to track it to our side yard.

Awww Mondays

Kizmet will be joining the Awww Mondays blog hop at Comedy Plus. You can do the same by clicking on the Awww badge.



I had a wonderful Spark for today’s post, but I am saving it for next week. It’s too special to include with this post.

The Adventures of Periwinkle & Stinky


Your favorite, fun-loving tabbies, Periwinkle & Stinky, will be setting off on a new adventure tomorrow. You’ll be able to find them on Periwinkle’s blog, Friends Furever. I know whatever Periwinkle has planned will be loads of fun, and you’ll definitely want to join them. Adventures are always more exciting when you come along, so they’ll be waiting for you.



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By admin