Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

It’s Thursday again, and time to write some poetry. I have another silly cat-centric poem!



Capricious Cat Capers

This is fun. We can scamper from boat to boat,
Just as long as the owner doesn’t decide to float
Down the canal and away from shore,
As the prospect of falling in the water we abhor.
And if we stray too far from our abode,
We will miss our litter box commode,
As well as regular meals and chin scritches
And the fresh fishes Mom puts in our dishes.
So, if we hear a boat motor begin to roar,
We know that it is time for us to scurry ashore.

© Janet Buickerood Blue – 06/07/2023

As evidenced from our poem, a few of the Kitties Blue can be found in the photo. I challenge those of you who visit today to let us know how many of the Kitties Blue gang are included and which ones.

If you’d like to participate in the weekly poetry challenge, check out Two Spoiled Cats by clicking on the poetry badge. You’ll find next week’s inspiration photo along with Angel Sammy’s poem. He is a skilled wordsmith, and his poems are always excellent.

poetry badge

Thankful Thursday

As you know, we like to share our thankfuls on Thursdays as well.

I got lucky this week and earned three badges on the Two Spoiled Cats’ Tuesday Teaser. What makes that even cooler than usual is that I earned two last week for providing the Teaser photo and stumping all the Teaser guessers. This week I was one of three First Commenters as well as the first Right Guesser. Wow…I’m sure on a roll. Here are my cool badges. I think they are totally adorable.


First Commenter badge with a tabby cat wearing a pink shower cap.First right guesser badge with a black pug wearing glasses and a grey tweed sweater.
Badge with two meerkats with one hugging the other.


I am thankful that I have finally completed the marker for Giulietta’s burial site. It just needs to have the bottle, that I use to put it on the stake, added to the back. Once it is in place, I will share a photo.

A few days ago I noticed Sawyer was having some symptoms that are precursors to a seizure. I was able to wrap him up in a towel and keep him as calm as possible, preventing a full-blown seizure. Sawyer is delighted with eating kitten food, so continues to get his meds more regularly.

Those are this week’s thankfuls. Kitties Blue and I hope you had a week filled with things for which you are grateful.

We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday blog hop. If you’d like to do the same, click on his badge.

Thanks for visiting us today.


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By admin