Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Astrid and I have the first thankful. Sampy sent her the most incredible anniversary present, which his mom, Emily, created. Here’s a photo of it. 



We knew Emily is very talented, but never knew she could draw. So this was a huge surprise. It looks exactly like Astrid and is purrfect!

I am thankful for another double win on the Tuesday Teaser at Two Spoiled Cats. I was one of two First Commenters and the First Right Guesser of the Teaser. These are the badges I received.



Kitties Blue and I are thankful for those of you who visited our Monday post when we remembered our angel Mau.

We are, of course, thankful for each of you who visit us, comment and join our blog hop.

Brian hosts the Thankful Thursday blog hop. To participate, post are you blog for what you are thankful, then click on Brian’s badge to link up.

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

This week’s inspiration photo provided by Teddy and Angel Sammy from Two Spoiled Cats is truly bizarre. I did consider adding a few of the Kitties Blue to it, but that would have been overdoing it just a tad. Seventeen bald babies all dressed in the same blue romper is nightmare enough!


Photo of 17 bald babies all wearing the same blue romper with three crawling atop a woman lying on the floor.


You’re on Candid Camera

There are so many babies
I don’t know what to do.
I feel like I’m trapped in a human zoo.

With all these mouths to feed
And diapers to change,
I think I may be going insane.

When I was hired to care for multiple infants,
I didn’t ask for the exact number
Or if they took the opportunity to slumber.

I definitely need some assistance.
They all look exactly the same,
And I have no idea of their names.

I think this must have been a prank—
Like that TV show Candid Camera.
If so, release me before I lose my stamina.

© Janet Buickerood Blue – 07/19/2023

Only a so-so poem this week for which I apologize. I think this is a photo that stands along and didn’t really need me to try and interpret it.

If you’d like to join in the fun of writing poetry, click on Angel Sammy’s poetry badge. That will take you over to Two Spoiled Cats where you can find next week’s inspiration photo. You’ll also be able to check out Angel Sammy’s poem for this week. He transmits it to Teddy each week from the Rainbow Bridge, and in our opinion, it’s always a winner.

Thanks for joining us today. Kitties Blue and I hope you will join us again tomorrow when we celebrate our 11th blogoversary and the second anniversary of Sawyer’s second Gotcha Day.


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By admin