Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Feline Friday



Kitties Blue, including Sawyer, continue to enjoy the catio during our unseasonably warm weather. According to one of our local meteorologists, our current temperatures are about three weeks ahead of where they normally would be this time of year.

Sawyer will be participating in the Feline Friday blog hop at messymimi’s meanderings. To participate click on the Feline Friday badge.

Friendly Fill-Ins

Time again to let you know a bit more about Kitties Blue and myself by completing the weekly fill-ins. Ellen (15 And Meowing) and Lorianne (Four-Legged Furballs) host the Friendly Fill-Ins blog hop. On Thursday they each select two sentences to be filled in by hop participants, and you can find those on both blogs. Enter the hop by clicking on the graphic.

Sawyer assisted with the fill-ins again this week. I can always count on him when I need some help. We both used teal italics for our fill-ins. Any explanatory information is in parentheses.

1. Be sure to always be kind because there are too many people who cannot be bothered.

2. Sawyer: I would never give my treats away to any of my fursibs. (Audrey, aka The Hoover, however, is always trying to steal them.)

3. I got these beautiful chakra stones healing crystals for my birthday from one of my dear friends.

4. Just because I can’t carry a tune doesn’t mean I don’t like to sing.


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By admin