Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


The cat blogging universe lost one of its shining stars. Sparkle the Designer Cat, also known as the Dear Abby of the feline world, passed away last week after dealing with multiple illnesses. In a heart touching final post on Thursday, Sparkle thanked her fans for their support over the more than eleven years of love and support.


Sparkle was the author of two books, Dear Sparkle: Advice from One Cat to Another, and Dear Sparkle: Advice from One Cat to Another, both edited by her human, Janiss Garza. The books give readers an insider’s look into how cats view the world, and how the well-meaning, but often clueless humans living with them can make the world a better place for their feline charges.


Sparkle shared her life with beautiful tortie Binga, who more often than not exasperated her to no end, and Boodie, a Himalayan. “The one thing I do find unforgivable is that Binga, who is two years older than me, is outlasting me, “writes Sparkle in her final post. “I get the sneaking suspicion that she may outlive everyone in this household.”

Sparkle’s human does not believe in the Rainbow Bridge, but we would like to leave her with this quote from Antoine de Saint Exupéry, which I’ve always found comforting during times of great personal loss:

In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And so it will be
as if all the stars were laughing when you look at the sky at night.

May your star continue to shine, Sparkle.

Images via Sparkle’s Facebook page.

Conscious Cat Sunday will return next week.


The post A Tribute to Sparkle appeared first on The Conscious Cat.

SOURCE: The Conscious Cat – Read entire story here.

By Ingrid