Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Thankful Thursday

I am beginning with our thankfuls this week followed by poetry.

Calista Jo may not look it, but she is thankful for a new, smaller and lighter sock collar. The tube sock one was big and bulky, and being white it got dirty quickly. She really does not seem to mind it, and it does make a fairly nice pillow.



I am thankful to have some cooler and less humid weather. I was able to do more yard work.

My biggest thankful is that I have a date to get a new right knee…October 9th.

I was able to pet Raleigh again as well as give him some scritches on his butt.  Of course, once again, when he saw it was me, he beat a fast retreat. It is still progress!

Today we will get to spend time with some of Dad Tom’s California family, as our great niece is returning to UVA for her sophomore year. We are always thankful for the opportunity to see them.

Kitties Blue and I will be participating in the Thankful Thursday blog hop hosted by Angel Brian. If you would like to do the same, click on the badge below.


Thoroughly Poetic Thursday 

Thursday is the day when we participate in Angel Sammy and Teddy’s (Two Spoiled Cats) poetry challenge. They provide an inspiration photo, and participants write a poem based on the photo.

Here is today’s photo followed by my poem.


A bear sitting in a water enclosure at the zoo with a small blonde child looking at it through the glass.


A Conversation at the Zoo

Mommy, I’ve never seen such a big brown bear.
It looks just like my teddy but with a scary stare.
Hi, bear, are you my teddy’s mommy?
I got him for my birthday. His name is Donnie.
He snuggles me when I go to bed,
and I kiss him goodnight on his furry head.

No, little girl, I am a big man bear,
and I must caution you to beware.
I’d be happy to snuggle with you my dear
but let me make something very clear.
Though, I am well fed here at the zoo;
I wouldn’t mind taking a nibble or two of you.

That doesn’t sound at all nice,
so let me give you some advice.
When little people come to visit the zoo
and find themselves in front of you,
frightening them is not okay
if at the zoo you want to stay!

© Janet Buickerood Blue – 08/21/2024

I am fairly certain this bear does not want to be in the zoo, but for the purpose of my poem, I am assuming he does.

Each week Angel Sammy transmits his poem from the Rainbow Bridge to Teddy for publication. Sammy is one of our favorite poets, and we always recommend you read his poem. Please stop over to Two Spoiled Cats by clicking on the poetry badge, to check out Sammy’s poem and get the photo for next week’s challenge.

Thanks for joining us today. We will be back tomorrow with some fill-ins.


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