Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Sunday Selfies: Week #527


As I predicted, Miss Super Meowdel Kizmet is back today. She just cannot help herself.



I really wish some of the other Kitties Blue were as fond of posing as she is. But then I realize, some other blogs only have one kitty day after day and week after week. And that seems to be okay. So, no apologies from me for sharing Kizmet again today. She and I both hope you enjoy her selfie and do not mind her encore purrformance.

Hopping Time

Kizmet is looking forward to you joining her on this hop. If you are a single kitty that purrticipates every week or a kitty that must share the honors with your fursibs, you are always welcome. In fact, if you are not a kitty, you are welcome. We love all our anipal furiends and cannot wait to see you right here each week. Just click on the link below to join in the fun. And when you have finished doing that, invite some of your other friends to join us!

Even if you are not hopping, Kizmet and I really appreciate you for joining us today. Now go have an easy Sunday.


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By admin