Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Sunday Selfies: Week #524

As promised yesterday, we have our rather portly, ginger tabby, Cooper Murphy, here today as your host.



I may be a bit prejudiced, but I think he is a super handsome feline. Though, Coop is looking off to the side; he made this selfie thing look extremely easy. He’s just hanging out and loafing. I am fairly certain that most of you are enjoying the opportunity to see his face, as we most often show his ample belly.

I wish all the Kitties Blue could be this chill and relaxed. It would make getting a selfie each week so much easier.

Hopping Time

Cooper Murphy and all the other Kitties Blue invite you to share your adorableness with us and all your other friends. Just click on the link below to add your selfie to the blog hop. If you have any friends you think might be interested in sharing a selfie and hopping with us, please pass on a link to this post. Kitties Blue love welcoming and making new friends.

Thanks for joining us today. Hope you have an easy Sunday filled with sun puddles and treats.


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By admin