Tue. Sep 24th, 2024

Playtime Caturday Art

Cooper Murphy is watching Audrey rolling on her back and playing with her new obsession, Caroline’s Cats Rotating Butterfly/Track Ball toy. Coop is just as obsessed but was being a purrfect gentleman and waiting his turn. If you missed our review of this toy, you can find it at, “Best Cat Toy for all Ages.”

To create the art this week, I used the Flux filter from piZap. The frame is from the favpng app.

I made a puzzle after trimming the finished piece down, so those of you who decide to solve it do not have to worry about putting a huge number of white pieces together.

preview120pieceTwo Cats with Toy Art

Cooper Murphy and Audrey will be heading over to Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty’s blog to join her on this week’s hop. To do the same, click on Athena’s badge.

Friendly Fill-Ins

I skipped the Fill-Ins yesterday as we were celebrating, albeit belatedly, Calista Jo’s birthday, So, I have them today. And I received help from an unlikely member of the Kitties Blue crew.

The Friendly Fill-Ins blog hop is hosted each Friday by Ellen (15 And Meowing) and Lorianne (Four-Legged Furballs). They publish the fill-in sentences on their blogs each Thursday. To join the hop, click on the badge at the left.

My helper and I both used teal italics for our completions. Any explanatory information is in parentheses.

1. My preferred method of procrastination is playing Word Collect or Numberzilla on the iPad.

2. I always procrastinate when I am supposed to be reading and commenting on blogs.

3. Raleigh: My goal of never having to wear a collar is going really well.

4. If I opened a gift shop, I would name it Janet’s Tabbies & Teddies. (The drawing below has been hanging in our upstairs hallway for 30-plus years. It was a gift from a co-worker of mine from the 80s and 90s. We had a boss that drove us crazy, and this was my dream of what I would do if I had the resources.)


Playtime Cat Art: Pen and ink drawing of a lady standing in the door of a store front holding a teddy bear. The heading reads, "Janet's Tabbies & Teddies," with the tag line, "A fantasy a day keeps reality at bay," by th artist Anna Wentworth.


As I stated yesterday, I am having issues receiving and sending e-mail from my janet.blue@thecatonmyhead.com account. Until further notice, if you need to contact me, please send e-mail to jbb4vbirtc@aol.com. I am hoping this will be a short-term problem.

Sunday Selfies Reminder

Tomorrow’s that day when we will be looking for your selfie right here on our blog hop. There seems to have been some problems with Linky Tools, and I was not certain we would be having a hop tomorrow. But, as of now, it appears to be working again. So, that means the Kitties Blue and I will be right here tomorrow looking for you. If you have any friends you think might want to participate, please invite them to join us as well. I am as clueless as always when it comes to which of the gang will be here as your host tomorrow. That means you’ll need to stop by to find out. And, if you are here, please share your selfie.

Thanks for joining us today.


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By admin