Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

Feline Friday


Astrid and I will be heading over to messymimi’s meanderings for the Feline Friday blog hop. Click on the badge below if you would like to join the hop.

Friendly Fill-Ins

The Friendly Fill-Ins blog hop is hosted each Friday by Ellen (15 And Meowing) and Lorianne (Four-Legged Furballs). They publish the fill-in sentences on their blogs each Thursday. To join the hop, click on the badge at the left.

I was fortunate to have help from both Sawyer and Cooper Murphy with this week’s fill-ins. We all used teal italics for our completions. Any explanatory information is in parentheses.

1. Being a good cat mom (as demonstrated in the above photo) is a quality of mine that I am proud of.

2. Procrastinating is a quality of mine I would like to change.

3. Cooper Murphy: Though I find most toys boring, our new Caroline’s Cats Rotating Butterfly/Track Ball toy really interests me.

4. Sawyer: Believe it or not, I deal with not getting enough treats on a regular basis. (Note from Mom to Sawyer: Sorry, buddy, nobody believes that!)

So that’s it for today. Thanks from stopping in to see us. We’ll be back tomorrow with some Caturday Art.



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By admin