Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

I was delighted Angel Sammy and Teddy (Two Spoiled Cats) provided an inspiration photo for today’s poetry challenge that lent itself to a cat being added. This week’s participant is Cooper Murphy.

Here’s the “doctored” photo followed by my poem.



Human Folly

I don’t know why this idiot thought I was stuck.
I’d have to laugh if he wasn’t such a schmuck!
I was minding my business climbing this contraption,
when he thought he needed to assist in my extraction.
When he got all entangled, he let out a yelp,
which brought these other two humans running to help.
I need to run home as it’s almost time for my supper,
but I want to wait to see what happens to this sucker.
I fear a hacksaw will be required to make an incision
to release him from this makeshift, metal prison.
When that sawing begins, I believe I will be on my way,
as tonight’s dinner is to be a rare, prime filet!
Why humans do the dumbest things I’ll never know,
but this guy’s fatuousness made for a wonderful show.

© Janet Buickerood Blue – 04/02/2024


Each week Angel Sammy transmits his poem from the Rainbow Bridge to Teddy for publication. Sammy is a masterful poet, and we recommend you read his poem for today. Please stop over to Two Spoiled Cats, by clicking on the poetry badge, to check out Sammy’s poem and get the photo for next week’s challenge. Writing poetry is loads of fun, and if you have not tried it, I suggest you do.

Thankful Thursday

Thursday is also the day when we like to share the things for which we are thankful.

My first thankful this week is for the lovely spring we are having.


Purple & white irises.


These irises are supposed to be reblooming, which means they are to bloom in the spring and the fall. They, however, have not bloomed in at least three years, so I was delighted to see them this year.


Dark fuchsia peonies.


The peonies usually do not bloom until around Mother’s Day. Obviously, they are early this year. They also have the most blooms they’ve had since I transplanted them a few years ago.

I also have the next thankful this week. I was the only first commenter as well as a right guesser (though not first) on the Tuesday Teaser at Two Spoiled Cats.


Cat in a shower cap first commenter badge.Yelling ostrich right guesser badge.













Periwinkle and Stinky are thankful to those who joined them on their latest adventure to Happy Hollow Gardens. If you missed it, here’s the link, “The Adventures of Periwinkle & Stinky: Part CCXXXIV.”

Dad Tom and I spent the last few days getting all our planting done (20+ pepper plants and 30+ annuals), for which we are most thankful, and I even managed to do some weeding yesterday.

Most of all, Kitties Blue and I are thankful to those of you who still manage to visit and comment on our blog and especially those of you who join the Sunday Selfies blog hop.

We will be participating in Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday blog hop. If you would like to do the same, post on your blog for what you are thankful and then click on the badge below.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a terrific Thursday.


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By admin