Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

© Copyright by Janet Blue (The Cat on My Head) 2012-2024  All rights reserved: Nothing from this site may be used in any form without written permission of the author.


For Fiona

It seems like only yesterday…

You were just a kitten.

When I saw your pleading look,

I was completely smitten.

Now at only six years old,

You are getting ready to leave,

Soon you will have your wings.

I’ve already started to grieve.

You’ve fought hard for the past year,

And I’m not ready to say good-bye.

I can’t imagine you not in my life

I am so sad…today I had to cry.

I am grateful and blessed

For my six years with you.

You’ll live in my heart forever.

You’re one of the best ever Kitties Blue.

© Janet Buickerood Blue 11/30/2016


Many yesterdays have passed since

You gained your angel wings. Today

Is six months since you left us behind

To remember and mourn. Our hearts

Continue to hurt, and we miss

You as much as the day you left.

Giulietta whined from the catio

Yesterday as I worked in the yard.

I know you put her up to it. That

Was your way of getting me to,

Allow you to join me as I

Gardened. You were there with me

In spirit. With every meow

I thought of you and how much I miss

Your sweet face and disposition.

In these past few months, many friends

Have traveled your same path in your

paw-steps. I am certain you were

Waiting to greet them with purrs and hugs.

I pray you and your friends are laughing,

Frolicking and having fun together.

Picturing that makes me smile, but

Does not lessen my sadness at your

No longer being here to snuggle

And receive our love, care and kisses.

Fiona, please do not ever forget

You are still and always will be loved.

© Janet Buickerood Blue 06/01/2017


One year has passed since you flew away,

And I still think of you everyday.

I see your sweet face in my mind’s eye

And wish we’d never had to say good-bye.

It’s nice you’ve sent us kitties needing a family,

But my dearest love, we are now at capacity.

You thought it would take more than one cat

To take your place in our habitat.

We love Cooper Murphy and baby Sawyer dearly

But thinking either could replace you makes me teary.

You were one-of-a-kind and will stay in my heart

Until the day I join you and we’re no longer apart.

When once again I can hold you in my arms

And revel in all your love and feline charms.

Together with you and all who have passed.

I will spend eternity contemplating how blessed

I was to share my life with my furry children,

Each and every one of you one-in-a billion.

© Janet Buickerood Blue 11/30/2017


I miss you each day.

Until we meet in heaven,

The pain will remain.

© Giulietta Blue 11/01/17


I don’t know how to say good-bye.

I thought you were invincible; though,

You used up many of your nine lives.

You ruled us all with an iron paw;

Never took “no” for an answer

And always got your way.

If not, you’d bark to signal your

Displeasure and sometimes raise a paw.

I always joked that you were bi-polar.

When I told people you were a calico

They immediately understood what I meant.

Today was unnaturally quiet in the house.

Can a home seem empty with eight cats?

I will miss waking up at night to find you

Sitting next to me and staring at me.

I will miss you yelling at us as you did

When you wanted breakfast and dinner.

I will miss watching you lounging and snoozing

On the porch settee on a warm afternoon.

But most of all I will miss your kisses!

When kitten Sawyer befriended you,

We suspect you were imparting your

Wisdom and secrets for controlling us.

Time will tell if he was a good listener.

But whatever he may have learned,

Neither Sawyer nor any other cat

Can or will replace you in our hearts.

Lily Olivia, you were one-of-a-kind.

© Janet Buickerood Blue 01/03/2018


For Fiona

It seems like only yesterday…

You were just a kitten.

When I saw your pleading look,

I was completely smitten.

Now at only six years old,

You are getting ready to leave,

Soon you will have your wings.

I’ve already started to grieve.

You’ve fought hard for the past year,

And I’m not ready to say good-bye.

I can’t imagine you not in my life

I am so sad…today I had to cry.

I am grateful and blessed

For my six years with you.

You’ll live in my heart forever.

You’re one of the best ever Kitties Blue.

© Janet Buickerood Blue 11/30/2016


Many yesterdays have passed since

You gained your angel wings. Today

Is six months since you left us behind

To remember and mourn. Our hearts

Continue to hurt, and we miss

You as much as the day you left.

Giulietta whined from the catio

Yesterday as I worked in the yard.

I know you put her up to it. That

Was your way of getting me to,

Allow you to join me as I

Gardened. You were there with me

In spirit. With every meow

I thought of you and how much I miss

Your sweet face and disposition.

In these past few months, many friends

Have traveled your same path in your

paw-steps. I am certain you were

Waiting to greet them with purrs and hugs.

I pray you and your friends are laughing,

Frolicking and having fun together.

Picturing that makes me smile, but

Does not lessen my sadness at your

No longer being here to snuggle

And receive our love, care and kisses.

Fiona, please do not ever forget

You are still and always will be loved.

© Janet Buickerood Blue 06/01/2017


One year has passed since you flew away,

And I still think of you everyday.

I see your sweet face in my mind’s eye

And wish we’d never had to say good-bye.

It’s nice you’ve sent us kitties needing a family,

But my dearest love, we are now at capacity.

You thought it would take more than one cat

To take your place in our habitat.

We love Cooper Murphy and baby Sawyer dearly

But thinking either could replace you makes me teary.

You were one-of-a-kind and will stay in my heart

Until the day I join you and we’re no longer apart.

When once again I can hold you in my arms

And revel in all your love and feline charms.

Together with you and all who have passed.

I will spend eternity contemplating how blessed

I was to share my life with my furry children,

Each and every one of you one-in-a billion.

© Janet Buickerood Blue 11/30/2017


I miss you each day.

Until we meet in heaven,

The pain will remain.

© Giulietta Blue 11/01/17


I don’t know how to say good-bye.

I thought you were invincible; though,

You used up many of your nine lives.

You ruled us all with an iron paw;

Never took “no” for an answer

And always got your way.

If not, you’d bark to signal your

Displeasure and sometimes raise a paw.

I always joked that you were bi-polar.

When I told people you were a calico

They immediately understood what I meant.

Today was unnaturally quiet in the house.

Can a home seem empty with eight cats?

I will miss waking up at night to find you

Sitting next to me and staring at me.

I will miss you yelling at us as you did

When you wanted breakfast and dinner.

I will miss watching you lounging and snoozing

On the porch settee on a warm afternoon.

But most of all I will miss your kisses!

When kitten Sawyer befriended you,

We suspect you were imparting your

Wisdom and secrets for controlling us.

Time will tell if he was a good listener.

But whatever he may have learned,

Neither Sawyer nor any other cat

Can or will replace you in our hearts.

Lily Olivia, you were one-of-a-kind.

© Janet Buickerood Blue 01/03/2018

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