Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Feline Friday

Here we are again with another photo of a napping Kitties Blue.



Our ginger, nap-attack cat, Cooper Murphy, will be joining in the Feline Friday blog hop at messymimi’s meanderings. If you’d like to participate in the hop, click on the badge below.

Friendly Fill-Ins

The Friendly Fill-Ins blog hop is hosted each Friday by Ellen (15 And Meowing) and Lorianne (Four-Legged Furballs). They publish the fill-in sentences on their blogs each Thursday. To join the hop, click on the badge at the left.

I lucked out this week, as I had two helpers in completing the fill-ins, Kizmet and Stinky. We all used teal italics for our fill-ins. Any explanations are in parentheses.

1. Kizmet: I enjoy watching birds and squirrels in person and on YouTube TV, where I enjoy watching women’s professional volleyball as well.

2. I will try to remember to wear green on St. Patrick’s Day. (I am 50 percent Irish.)

3. Others come to me when they need help with editing something they have written.

4. Stinky: Periwinkle is my lucky charm.

Thank you for stopping by today. We look forward to seeing you again tomorrow when we’ll share some Caturday Art.


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By admin