Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Stinky’s Lack of a Plan

Stinky paces nervously past the teleportation tunnel. He knows he is going to disappoint Periwinkle. Though she always tells him it doesn’t matter what they do as long as they are together, he knows she enjoys visiting exotic and fun places and doing exciting things. But to his dismay, he has not come up with someplace to visit today. And he knows they have been having an abundance of at home adventures.

It is National Procrastination Week, and he fears Periwinkle will accuse him of procrastinating. He knows that is his mom’s specialty, and though she does help report on Periwinkle’s and his adventures, he knows this is not her fault.

He thought maybe they could celebrate National Cheese Doodle Day, but though those doodles are mighty tasty, they can stain one’s furs very badly.

His dad suggested celebrating National Poutine Day with a trip down the street to a local restaurant that serves it. But after seeing a photo of it and reading a description, Stinky is pretty certain he’d hork if he tried to eat it.

As it is National Aardvark Week, a visit to one could have been arranged, but Stinky has no idea where to find one.

He has tried to think of something they could do for Celebrate Your Name Week. But, as he’s already taken Periwinkle on an adventure to Periwinkle Park and no one would want to celebrate having Stinky as a name, he nixes that idea.

His mom suggested they enjoy the day outside helping her pull weeds out of the flower beds and driveway. That got a huge paw down from Stinky.

Stinky thought celebrating Professional Pet Sitters Week could be an option, but he had no idea how to do that, as his and his fursib’s pet sitter is Chris, their housekeeper.

Stinky’s Decision

Stinky finally makes a decision, but he is not excited about it. He and Periwinkle will celebrate International Rescue Cat Awareness Month and also write a letter to each other for National Write a Letter of Appreciation Week. It means they’ll be staying at Stinky’s house again, but he just can’t help that.

Stinky makes his decision just in time, as he hears the whoosh from the teleportation tunnel. He sprints to the opening and catches Periwinkle before she can roll into any furniture. They spend some time catching up on the past week and whisker kissing prior to Periwinkle asking what Stinky has planned for the day.

When he explains, he can see Periwinkle trying to hide her disappointment. She asks Stinky which of his plans they should tackle first, and he tells her that she can choose. Periwinkle selects the letters. Stinky runs to his mom and asks for paper and pencils. When he tells his mom what Periwinkle and he are going to do, she finds some nice stationary for them, so they can add the letters to their scrapbooks.



Letters of Appreciation

Letter of Appreciation


“Wow, that is a great letter Periwinkle. Thank you so much. I’m not sure mine will measure up,” says Stinky before he begins reading his letter.


Letter of Appreciation


When they finish reading, the tabbies spend several minutes paw hugging. Then Periwinkle says, “We certainly are two lucky cats to have each other to love and support.” She adds, “By the way I like your snazzy bowtie, Stinky. Is there a reason for your dressing up today.”

Stinky agrees he and Periwinkle are fortunate to have each other and tells Periwinkle that he just wanted to look nice for her. Stinky then complements her on her hair bow. Periwinkle blushes and thanks him.

Finished with their letters, the tabbies decide to move on to celebrating International Rescue Cat Awareness Month.

International Rescue Cat Awareness Month

“Stinky, how are we going to celebrate International Rescue Cat Awareness Month?” asks Periwinkle. 

“That’s a good question, Periwinkle. You and I cannot really rescue another cat; though, we have had the orange, un-neutered tabby hanging out around here a lot lately. Cooper Murphy gets very upset whenever he comes around; he puffs up all over and hisses and growls.”

“How does Cooper know he’s here?”

“He comes up the back steps to the catio door,” replies Stinky.

“Do you have a photo of the interloper, Stinky?”

“Yep, Dad took one.”


Periwinkle Stinky International Rescue Cat Awareness: Stray, orange tabby cat interloper.


“He sure looks as if he fits right into your family, Stinky. Maybe you all should adopt him.”

Stinky starts laughing. “Don’t quote me, as I never know what my mom might do, but that is not going to happen!”

Periwinkle just giggles. Stinky tells her they are going to make a big banner with suggestions for how to celebrate. Once again the kitties get to work. “Stinky, This looks terrific. Shall we share it with our readers?”

“Yes, let’s do it. Then we can have a snack.”


Two cartoon tabby cats with a sign with suggestions for how to celebrate International Rescue Cat Awareness.


“Stinky, these are all terrific suggestions.”

“Thanks, Periwinkle. Some of them I found on the National Service Animal Registry web-site. They have oodles of information about International Rescue Cat Awareness Day/Month. If our readers would like to check it out, they can click on the link.”

Good idea, Stinky. Now, let’s go get a snack.

The tabbies retire to the catio where all of Stinky’s fursibs are waiting to visit with Periwinkle and enjoy a snack with her and Stinky.

Soon, it is time for Periwinkle to head home. She and Stinky spend several minutes whisker kissing, paw hugging and giggling. Then she enters the teleportation tunnel and with a whoosh and a wave is gone.

Stinky returns to the catio for a nap and to dream of his lovely girlfriend.

The End

The tabbies will be skipping over to Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday blog hop. Click on the badge to join them.



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By admin