Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Awww Mondays/Sparks

Today, I have combined my Spark with my photo for Awww Mondays.



I think Sawyer looks so content snoozing in his sunpuddle. With that in mind, I wanted a Spark about contentment. Unfortunately, I was unable to find anything appropriate. My next choice was serenity, but I failed with that word as well. I finally went with inner peace, and I am very happy with today’s Spark. I do wish Sawyer could do everything quietly with a calm spirit. Sadly, his seizures prevent that, but I will continue to pray that someday he will no longer be troubled by them.


Sparks is the creation of Annie from McGuffy’s Reader. It began as a blog hop, created by our friend. Annie stated when she began Sparks, “I believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. Together, we can light up the entire world.”

Sawyer will be joining the Awww Mondays blog hop at Comedy Plus. If you would like to do the same, click on the Awww badge,

The Adventures of Periwinkle & Stinky

Tomorrow is that special day each week when Periwinkle and Stinky set out on a new adventure. Periwinkle is in charge of planning what they’ll be doing. I am certain she has something fun in mind, and the tabbies will be looking forward to seeing you over at Friends Furever. Please don’t let them down.

Thanks for joining us today. May you all enjoy inner peace.



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By admin