Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Thankful Thursday

Each Thursday, Kitties Blue and I share some things for which we are thankful. I mention the first one quite often in the winter.

Audrey, Kizmet and Cooper Murphy are thankful for a heated floor on a cold morning.



Stinky is thankful I have started to construct a landing page of his and Periwinkle’s adventures, which will contain links for all the adventures they have shared here on The Cat on My Head.

I am thankful I discovered the Stevie Nicks concert from 2017 on Tubi. She’s always been one of my favorite artists. Dad Tom and I were fortunate to see her live in concert with Fleetwood Mac some years ago.

I also am thankful that at least some of those who subscribe to our blog are getting e-mail notifications of our posts.

Kitties Blue and I are thankful for everyone who follows, comments and supports us.

Thankful Thursday is a blog hop hosted by Angel Brian. To join the hop, click on the Thankful badge.

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Thursday is also poetry day. Teddy and Angel Sammy from Two Spoiled Cats provided another super fun, inspiration photo for this week’s poetry challenge.


fixer upper thankfuls - Photo of a shack with a front porch atop a rock in a river.


I kept adding to this poem in an attempt to bring it to a conclusion and am only partially satisfied with how I ended it. I also am not thrilled with all the ands and buts I included.

Advertisement: Private Isle with Fixer Upper

I wanted a place I could call my own,
as I was extremely tired of living at home.
I saw an ad for my own private isle
and knew that was just my style.
It said the place was a fixer upper,
but I had conquered projects much tougher.
I gathered together my hard-earned dough
to make an offer, as the price was so low.
Mind you, this was sight-unseen,
but I was certain it would fulfill my dream.
I finally saw my new retreat and was shocked:
My isle turned out to be only a rock!
The promised covered porch with a view
was real but seemed too good to be true,
when I discovered I had no bath or kitchen
and no space on my rock for an addition.
This itty bitty shack may not be perfect,
and it may seem as if I’ve been tricked,
as it’s more of a tear down than a fixer upper,
but I assure you I am no sucker!
I can make the best of any situation
and will merely use this for the occasional vacation.
My parents will be happy to have me home.
They never wanted me to go out on my own.

© Janet Buickerood Blue – January 31, 2024

Each week Angel Sammy transmits his poem from the Rainbow Bridge to Teddy for publication. Sammy writes dynamite poetry, which we always love. Please stop over to Two Spoiled Cats, by clicking on the poetry badge, to check out Sammy’s poem and get the photo for next week’s challenge.

Thanks for joining us today. We plan to be right back here tomorrow. So, we’ll hope to see you again then.


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