Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Before my human and I headed up to the cat show on Friday, we drove in the total opposite direction for a pro modeling session! A brand I’ve done social media work with in the past hired me to do a shoot with their photographer. My human thought I’d have fun, and I did! Although I can’t show you the product, I can take you behind the scenes so you can see some of the photo studio.

Somali cat sitting in a chair at a photo studio

We were there for about three hours, with a lot of time between set ups. Sometimes I sat in the lounge area. The studio was in an industrial complex, and you can see the garage style door behind me. There was also a separate entry, which is where we came in.

Somali cat on futon sofa at photo studio

There was also a futon-style sofa where I also sometimes hung out.

Somali cat sniffing a plant at photo studio

But of course nobody could expect me to lounge around that whole time, waiting to be called to the set! I wandered a lot. There was a file cabinet next to the make up area, so I jumped on it to check out the plant, only to immediately be removed by my human. She never lets me near strange plants. The studio also had a storage loft area up some stairs, so of course I ran up there several times. Twice the photographer fetched me. Once, my human did.

I had almost as much fun exploring as I did being photographed. I was totally a pro and even placed my paw on a few items. The only problem was that I kept rubbing against everything, and sometimes I knocked over a product that had been carefully set up. But the photographer and brand rep weren’t bothered since, duh, they’re used to working with cats.

Somali cat standing by full length mirror

Oh, and I wanted to show you my favorite thing there, other than the camera equipment — a full length mirror! Every cat model should have one.

When the product is released, the brand will be sharing it on Instagram, and I’ll share their photos and video there.

Here are some of my other pro modeling sessions:

Exploring the Studio at My Pro Modeling Shoot

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By admin