Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

If it’s Thursday, it’s time for Angel Sammy and Teddy’s (Two Spoiled Cats) weekly poetry challenge. They provide an inspiration photo and participants try to write a representative poem of the image. I often add one or more of the Kitties Blue to the photo and think it might have been fun to do so here. Unfortunately, I’d already written the poem when I thought of it. I can now imagine them balancing on the feet of the human obstacles.



Here is my poem sans felines.


Some might think the motorcyclist a daredevil,
but the men below are the courageous ones
to stand on their heads, spread their legs and pray
their fellow officer doesn’t miss his mark.
This stunt seems ridiculous. What do they
have to prove? Agility, bravery, competence?
Looks more like misadventure that could end
in disaster. I’ll keep my eyes closed until it’s over.

© Janet Buickerood Blue – 12/06/2023

Each week Angel Sammy transmits his poem from the Rainbow Bridge to Teddy for publication. He is one of Kitties Blue and my favorite poets, and his weekly creation is always worth reading. Pop on over to Two Spoiled Cats, by clicking on the poetry badge, to check out Sammy’s poem and get the photo for next week’s challenge.


Thankful Thursday

Thursday is not only poetry day, but also the day when we share our thankfuls for Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday blog hop.

I am thankful I have almost finished all the holiday decorating, including three trees. I should finish up today. Look for photos in a future post.

I was surprised to be the only First Commenter on the Tuesday Teaser at Two Spoiled Cats. Usually I am late to arrive, and if I am on time, I have to share First Commenter status with others. I received cute this badge.


Kitties Blue and I have a heartfelt thank you for each of you who visit us, offer your friendship and comment on our posts.

To participate in the Thankful Thursday blog hop, click on the badge below.

Thanks for joining us today.


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By admin