Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


After spending a few days celebrating Thanksgiving with family, I thought it would be appropriate to share a Spark about family. I found one from Virginia Satir, which I particularly like.



The man seated on the left is Dad Tom’s nephew as is the man standing to my right in the photo. The third brother is the one with a daughter at UVA. If you are curious, you can see him on this post, “Thankfuls & Times Gone By.” I truly am thankful for Tom’s family and blessed to be part of it.

The author of today’s Spark, Virginia Satir, was an American author and psychotherapist, who passed away in 1988 at age 72. Her pioneering work in the field of family reconstruction therapy gained her the title “Mother of Family Therapy.”

Sparks is the creation of Annie from McGuffy’s Reader. Sparks began as a blog hop, created by our friend. Annie stated when she began Sparks, “I believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. Together, we can light up the entire world.”

Awww Mondays

Today’s Awww photo is of another woofie, Huckleberry, and our great nephew, Davis.


A teenager asleep with his head resting on a Goldendoodle.

Huck is also a Goldendoodle. I have shared him on the blog previously. Davis had all four of his wisdom teeth out on Tuesday, so spent most of the Thanksgiving holiday sleeping and drinking milkshakes.

There is no doubt this is an Awww photo, so Davis and Huck will be participating in the Awww Mondays blog hop. Click on the Awww badge  if you’d like to join.

The Adventures of Periwinkle & Stinky

It is time again for Stinky to plan Periwinkle’s and his Tuesday adventure. I am not certain what he has planned. He mentioned they might be helping me with Christmas decorating, but I think that was just to throw me off track. I do know that whatever they get up to, they will be overjoyed if you come along with them. They’ll be looking for you tomorrow.

Thanks for joining us today.


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By admin