Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Glogirly here. Last week Ellie and Waffles teased you with a sneak peek of my upcoming hiking trek with the Llamas. I’m please to let you know that I’m safely back home with the kitties after a week in the Weminuche Wilderness in southern Colorado. The Weminuche is about 90 minutes outside of Ouray, Co. I traveled with four friends and eight llamas, It was one of the most physically challenging things I’ve ever done. It’s one thing to take a chair lift up to 12,500+ feet at a ski area. But’s entirely different to reach those heights on foot in an area few ever travel. The air is thin above tree line and it makes each step more challenging, but the views are that much sweeter when you reach them on your own two feet.

Why llamas? The llamas carried the bulk of our weight and made out trip more of a “glamping” trip. They carried the coolers with dry ice, food, tents, chairs, stove, sleeping bags…they even carried a poop tent we set up at each campsite. They’re very docile creatures for the most part and enjoy traveling in packs. Sometimes we even took them on day hikes with us so we could lounge in comfy chairs at the top of the mountain with snacks and beverages. Each llama can carry about 70 pounds in the “panniers” which attach to their saddles. Though we had special treats for them, they mostly just graze on the fresh grass and drink from the streams and lakes. 

Still, this was roughing it as much as I ever have roughed it. 

We experienced every kind of weather imaginable. Hot sun, cold nights, wind, rain, and hail. Base temperatures were in the mid 60s during the day, but with the intense sun it felt much warmer. Overnight temps dipped into the very low 30s. But we had the gear to make it all very comfortable.

Here’s just a small smattering of some of the photos I took along the way.

Just starting out on day one with Llamas in tow.

Houdini was one of the lead llamas. He liked to walk alongside of us as opposed to following. 

Our first campsite at about 12,000′.

One of the Highland Mary Lakes. Once we set up camp, this was home for three nights.

All eight of the llamas on one of our day hikes. Once we set up camp and slept the night, we’d keep our camp in place and take a day hike. Often with the llamas so they could eat fresh grass and also so we could bring food and chairs on the hike.

This is Cruz posing for the camera.

Higher than I’ve ever been on foot. Where the Colorado Trail and the Continental Divide Trail meet.

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By admin