Fri. Sep 20th, 2024




I found this quote and thought it perfect as we celebrate Independence Day tomorrow. Our country is currently embroiled in so much unrest and violence, and we citizens need to come together and work together to set things right. This is not the country I grew up in and not the one I want to see today’s children come to think of as normal.

Sparks is the creation of Annie from McGuffy’s Reader. Sparks began as a blog hop, created by our friend. Annie stated when she began Sparks, “I believe we are meant to be lights in this world. If we allow our light to shine, we can see where we are going. It is then that we can begin to truly see each other clearly. Together, we can light up the entire world.”

Awww Mondays

On June 17, I wrote about the destruction of the Kitties Blue cardboard houses in “Audrey’s Bubble Foam Art.” One of them has since been recycled, as it was almost totally destroyed and useless. The final house has taken quite a beating from Audrey and Raleigh. Most mornings I find it flattened. Last night it was flattened and shoved under the dresser by Raleigh. Here Kizmet and Audrey admire Audrey’s handiwork of toppling it over.


A tipped over and partially destroyed cardboard cat house and two cats, a grey one and a brown tabby.


Kizmet and Audrey will be joining the Awww Mondays blog hop at Comedy Plus. You also can participate by clicking on the Awww badge.


The Adventures of Periwinkle & Stinky


It’s time again for our fun-loving tabbies, Periwinkle & Stinky, to take-off on another adventure. You can catch up with them tomorrow over at Friends Furever. It is Periwinkle’s turn to select what they are going to do. Whatever it is, you know the two have more fun when you join them. So, they’ll be looking for you tomorrow.

Thanks for joining us today.


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By admin