Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

Angel Sammy and Teddy from Two Spoiled Cats have provided a wonderful inspiration photo to use for poetry this week.



Unfortunately, I did not do the photo justice with my poem. I probably should have tried putting one of Kitties Blue in the photo, as I might have been able to come up with something better.

Ridiculous Mischievousness

I always thought putting a leash on a kid was a crime,
But a dog in a backpack…well, that’s just fine.
This standard-sized poodle, however, looks totally ridiculous.
We think his owner is up to some mischievousness.
But maybe her fancy, white poodle is entered in a dog show
And getting its paws dirty would be a giant no-no.
Perhaps she’s looking for likes on Instagram.
Whatever she’s doing will surely create a traffic jam.
We suspect we’ll never know what this trio is up to,
But we sure had a good laugh and enjoyed the view.

© Janet Buickerood Blue – 6/28/2023

If you’d like to join in the fun of writing poetry, click on the poetry badge. That will take you over to Two Spoiled Cats where you can find next week’s inspiration photo. You’ll also be able to check out Angel Sammy’s poem for this week. He transmits it to Teddy each week from the Rainbow Bridge, and it is always a winner.


Thankful Thursday

Thursday is also the day when we like to share with you the things for which we are thankful.

Dad Tom and I are thankful that when Kizmet escaped twice yesterday, she asked to come in the first time and came in when asked the second time. She is one of the sneakiest cats, which is why she wears a tracking device. She, however, has never left our property and always returns to the house.

I am thankful I got up early enough to be one of four first commenters on the Tuesday Teaser at Two Spoiled Cats.

After a very soggy week last week, with four inches of rain, I am thankful to be able to work on some outside projects again this week.  Unfortunately, summer is finally heating up, and we are having poor air quality due to the smoke blowing down from Canada.

Kitties Blue and I are thankful for each of you who follow, support, comment and kindly give us your friendship.

Thankful Thursday is a blog hop hosted by Brian. If you’d like to participate, post on your blog for what you are thankful and then click on the badge below to join the hop.

As always, we are grateful for your joining us today.


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By admin