Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Celebrating St. Gertrude


March 17 is not only the feast day of St. Patrick but also the feast day of another important saint. St. Gertrude of Nivelles, who lived from 621 to 659, is the patron saint of gardeners, travelers, widows, recently deceased people, the sick, the poor and the mentally ill. People call upon St. Gertrude for protection from mice, rats, fever, insanity and mental illness. But first and foremost, St. Gertrude is the patron saint of cats and cat lovers. So while you’re imbibing in a green beer or two today, give a toast to St. Gertrude.

Feline Friday

Small brown tabby cat looking out the window.


Do you think Audrey was looking in the garden for St. Gertrude? Whatever she was watching—most likely a squirrel—she definitely was engrossed.

Audrey also will be participating in the Feline Friday blog hop hosted by messymimi’s meanderings. To participate click on the Feline Friday badge.

St. Patrick’s Day

Being one-half Irish, I didn’t want to ignore St. Patrick completely. So I have convinced Cooper Murphy to come by and dance a bit of a jig for you.

Ginger tabby cat dressed as a leprechaun.


p.s. Sorry Kitties Blue and I didn’t do the Friendly Fill-Ins this week. Sometimes we just can’t find the right words.



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By admin