Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
WAFFLES: Shhhh…be very, very quiet. The Mighty Hunter is on safari, stalking the elusive Neko Birbug.

WAFFLES: The elusive Birbug is toying with the Mighty Hunter. Can you hear him?
BIRBUG: *whispers* Waffles! Waffles! Over here!
WAFFLES: The elusive Birbug takes to the sky! The Mighty Hunter LUNGES, missing the elusive Birbug by a whisker. The elusive Birbug taunts the Mighty Hunter.
WAFFLES: GOTCHA! The elusive Birbug takes a wrong turn and is caught in the clench of the Mighty Hunter.
WAFFLES: Victory is sweet for the Mighty Hunter. Ok, can we do it again?
Waffles’ Latest Obsession: The Neko Birbug
Nekoflies‘ wand toys have long been a favorite here in the Townhouse. From the furry Kittenators to the iridescent-winged Kragonflies, we’ve enjoyed many hunting safaris. But none so exciting as their latest, the Neko Birbug.
Play Hunting for Prey
It’s our natural instinct as cats to hunt our prey. And no toy has EVER ignited this instinct in Waffles more than the Birbug. To say he’s obsessed with it is an understatement. In fact, when it’s not in play it’s kept in a locked, impenetrable cabinet.
Interactive play is both mentally and physically challenging for a cat. It chases away boredom while satisfying the urge of the hunt and strengthening the human-cat bond.
Designed with a Cat’s Instincts in Mind
Nothing about Birbug’s genius design is an accident. Created by someone who obviously loves and understands cats and their instincts, Birbug is like no other wand toy.
1. Color, Color, Color
Cats can see green as well or better than many other colors. The incredibly detailed Birbug has various shades of green, from a deep furry green to a bright and iridescent chartreuse.
2. Looks Like a Bug, Not a Ball
A cat would never hunt a plastic ball in the wild. The Birbug mimics real prey.
3. In the Air and On the Ground
Birbug was designed to resemble a flying bug. Whether chasing it in the air or stalking it on the ground, Waffles just can’t peel himself away.
4. Details, Details, Details
It’s pretty hard to miss all intoxicating details. A furry striped body, long and dangly elastic legs, brightly colored antennae, teeth-proof iridescent wings, long dancing tail feathers, even striped feathers. We’ve never seen so much care and attention to detail go into one toy.
5. Easy and Adjustable
The clip on the end of the string is SO easy to attach to the rod and to adjust to different lengths. No sharp fishing clips, no pinched fingers and no snagged kitty claws.
6. Top Notch Quality Construction
The toy is hand-sewn onto the incredibly sturdy string. There are no sharp edges. It takes a licking (literally) from Waffles and just keeps on ticking.
Did You See the Telescoping ROD???
The other genius part of this toy is the telescoping rod. Designed to look like a fishing pole, it quickly and easily adjusts to three lengths: 32″, 25″ and 18″. The shorter adjustment is great for agility training and luring cats up and down a cat tree. The longer length is perfect for really active play, catching air and stalking around corners. The rod is very strong too… Waffles is no girly-girl when he’s playing. He puts his toys to the test and this one passes with flying colors.
The soft cork handle is comfortable to hold onto, making it very easy to create a realistic flying motion when the Birbug is zooming through the air. It’s also comfortable to hold onto for hours at a time. Yes, we know.
It’s a GIVEAWAY for You AND Your Favorite Shelter!
When we told the people at NekoFlies about the Santa Kitty Toy Hop happening this week on cat blogs all over the world and benefitting cat shelters all over the world, they were really excited to sweeten the prize so some shelter kitties will have a chance to play too.

The Prizes
One lucky GLOGIRLY reader will receive the new Neko Birbug and Telescoping Rod for themselves AND a Neko Kiticatterfly and Telescoping Rod for their favorite shelter. Although prizes can only ship to US or Canadian addresses, readers worldwide may enter and gift their prize to a US/Canada friend and shelter if they win.

How to Win? We Want to See YOU in Action!
Just upload a photo of your cat playing with their favorite toy to the GLOGIRLY Facebook page. If you’re not on Facebook, you may email your photo to with Neko Photo in the subject line.
Then fill out just two quickie entries in the Rafflecopter widget below.
1. Your email address.
2. Your Facebook profile name you used to upload your photo.
You may also earn a few extra entry points for leaving a comment, but that’s optional. And that’s it!
You may upload as many photos as you wish, but only one photo will count towards the giveaway.
Those readers that are visually impaired or who for any reason are unable to take a photo may submit a brief story about how your cat likes to play. Post it to the GLOGIRLY Facebook Page or if you’re not on Facebook, email it to with Neko Story in the subject line.
Winner will be randomly selected… this isn’t a competition! Everyone will have an equal chance of winning.

We received our Neko Birbug and Telescoping Rod no charge from Nekochan. We also received a fee to cover the time it takes to take photos, write the blog post and administer the giveaway. Receiving the free product and the fee did not influence our article or anything we say. All sponsored posts on GLOGIRLY will always reflect our honest opinions and feature products we use and love.

SOURCE: GLOGIRLY – Read entire story here.

By admin