Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


Our British friends Archie, Henry and Oscar from the blog My Three Moggies have graciously responded to our interview questions.  For anyone outside Britain, who isn’t familiar with the word, a “moggie” is a cat.  These cats have used up several of their individual lives and a number of their humans’ lives too.  Oh, wait, humans don’t have 9 lives.  Well, they have most likely shaved a few years off both humans’ lives with some close calls.

Funny Farmer Felines: Please introduce yourselves and your humans.

Archie: I am Archie the boss/top cat of the household and in my domain I have My brothers Oscar and Henry and Humans Michelle and Craig.

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Funny Farmer Felines: How did you come to live together?

Archie: Michelle always wanted a cat called Henry II because when she was 6 months old her parents got her a brown tabby called Henry. Seven years ago the humans visited Amersham cat rescue centre a month after moving into their new home.

Once Michelle and Craig were in the centre, Oscar did his best to get their attention by jumping around the cage and doing his kitten meow. (They should have known then he was trouble)  He was a tiny fluff ball no bigger then Michelle’s hand.  The names on the cage were Engine Joe and Henry.  Michelle looked at Craig and said, “This is meant to be, however, Engine Joe is Oscar now.”

As they handed over green papers for donations, (we cost £60 each), Michelle noticed Oscar was whacking the tail of a big white moggie called Mr Chips who was not bothered by Oscar at all.  Michelle asked about Mr Chips and was told he has been at the centre the longest and has been in fights and had half an ear removed due to cancer.  (White cats commonly get this due to their pink ears.)  One long look with big eyes at Craig from Michelle and Mr. Chips (renamed Archie), Oscar and me were on our way to our forever home.

Funny Farmer Felines: Do you have any nicknames?

Archie: I am often called Food Monster or Fluff Ball because I love food 24/7 and I shed.

Oscar: I am always bringing home presents and whenever someone meets me for first time they always say I am handsome, so I am Hunter and Handsome Puss.

Henry: Craig has always carried me like a baby and so I have grown to be cuddly.  I let Craig and Michelle pick me up in any way.  I trust them 110{9566c0a8c38d7ef68d82188668983429d8c3d2118cd02557d3ef814309ae7d10}.  Because of this, I am a cuddly bear, hence the nickname Bear.

Funny Farmer Felines: Tell us a little about the area where you live.

Archie: I am mainly a house cat.  I was nine months old when I arrived here and I never want to leave so I only go as far as the front and back garden and no further.

Oscar: I am top cat of the street so I have the whole street to maintain in order.

Henry: I go further afield to have my own space as Oscar will not share any of his.  I go to the woods across the road and provide security to a few big houses close by.

Funny Farmer Felines: What kind of mischief do you like to get into? 

Henry: I like to jump on my brothers’ backs to play fight and can be be a bit rough, but they never hurt me.

Oscar:  I love screaming at the top of my voice in the mornings if I have a present for the humans, or if I have a hungry belly.  I am also known to be annoying when they sit down to watch tv as i will ask to come in from the back and then walk to front door and ask to go out.  Craig gets annoyed as he knows 20 minutes later I will ask the same thing again.

Archie: If I want attention when humans are on the computer, I love jumping on the desk and rubbing my fur in their faces, as I know some of it goes in their eyes and mouth, and if I shake, my fur goes all over the desk as well, so they have to notice me then.

Funny Farmer Felines: Henry, you have given your family at least two very big scares. Would you like to tell us a little about them?

Henry:  I lost a few lives before I was 4 years old.  When I got to the new home, I developed cat flu. I recovered quite quickly, but I passed it to Oscar and he had a week and half of being really bad, so much so the vet gave up on him, but Craig nursed him back to full health by feeding him every two hours during the night.

I was shot with an air gun pellet when I was 2 years old.  In the woods we have many rabbits and I also became a target one sunny day during kids summer holidays.  Since then the 6 weeks of summer when kids are not at school, mum makes sure I am in the house during the day as she gets very nervous, even now after 5 years.

A year later I got run over.  I dislocated my hips, broke my front leg and had cuts on my head.  I was missing for 3 days. A neighbour said they saw me injured in the woods when they were walking their 3 dogs, but I disappeared.  With that Michelle, in her smart work gear, ran straight to the woods, and after a few hours found me under a prickly bush ready to die.  Michelle drove me to the vet’s.  A few hours later the vet called to say I would survive, but had I not been found when I was, I would not have lasted the night.  Oh, I am a bionic cat now as I have a metal plate in the front paw that I broke.

Funny Farmer Felines:  Archie, you’ve had some health problems over the years.  And you’ve been on a diet a time or two. Are you healthy now?

Archie: Do not remind me. I have cost my humans thousands to fix, but they say I am worth every penny because I am 100{9566c0a8c38d7ef68d82188668983429d8c3d2118cd02557d3ef814309ae7d10} healthy now.

I was a high stress cat then.  From the cat place to here I took a while to settle and got cystitis.  This went on for a few months and since crystals kept forming, I was often blocked.  It was getting life threatening.  I had one operation to help me unblock, but this failed.  The following month it was decided that my *cough, cough* man bits had to be removed so I would not block anymore.  This did solve the problem.  I do every now and then (very rarely) get stressed, but Michelle provides lots of attention,fluid in my wet food and calming tablets so I calm down quickly.

My love of food does not help and I am constantly on diets, but the vets say at the moment I am okay and the humans do not have to worry about me.

Christmas 2013, I had Michelle in tears again as I kept getting ulcers in my eyes.  The first operation, the vet scraped an ulcer off my eye, but a few days later it was back again.  It turns out my bottom eye lids were rolling in and my fur was rubbing against my eyes causing the ulcers.  This was corrected with plastic surgery.

Funny Farmer Felines: Oscar, we understand you had to have plastic surgery because you like to fight?

Oscar: Yes. Christmas 2013, Archie was not the only one going to the vet’s, as I was keeping him company due to a big fight I had with a Fox or a big cat.  (I cannot confirm which at the moment as I blanked it out).  You can ask our blog visitors. I had everyone in a panic because I had a massive cut right down my cheek that was so deep blood was like jelly.  Lucky I came home straight after the fight and Michelle and Craig saw me and took me straight to the vet. They was able to operate straight away and save my good looks.

Funny Farmer Felines: We found a page titled Fur Friends of the Month. We don’t think you only keep friends for a month, so how about if you tell us about this?

Archie: We like to dedicate a post to one of our followers every month as a thank you for following our story and also we want to know more about them and share them with others who may not have met them yet.  We have no system.  We just look at our comments and if there is a blogger that draws our attention that we want to know more about, we ask for their email address and kindly ask if they want to take over our blog, twitter, and Facebook pages (I have my own personal one ‘Archie Lewis’ also), and if they say yes, then we ask for some pictures and send over some interview questions.  We have learned a great deal about other furballs who are not cats this way.

Funny Farmer Felines: Does your mom help you participate in blogosphere activities such as Meow LIke A Pirate Day, Box Day or other events?

Archie: Michelle works long hours and just about managed to get our blog up and to visit one or two bloggers each day majority of the year, but when life is quieter she is known to do videos getting the whole blogging community involved sending pictures and then sharing with them all. Examples would be Onespoiledcat Sammy’s mum Pam’s surprise birthday, Happy Thanksgiving/Hanukah and Christmas.

We are also known to be part of auctions in providing items and bidding to help a blogger with vet bills.  Molliesdogtreats blog is famous for these auctions and does a grand job getting us all involved.

Funny Farmer Felines: Do you have any special plans for the future of your blog?

Archie: At the moment we are happy to just share our daily adventures with the world.  The whole purpose of the blog is to keep a diary and just make other people laugh and smile at us.  If we can encourage more people to re-home cats and kittens rather than buying them from breeders that would be a big bonus. By showing these cats some time, love and affection we can make a real difference.

Funny Farmer Felines:  If you haven’t already, be sure to drop by to meet Archie, Henry and Oscar at My Three Moggies.

The post Three Moggies … Archie, Henry and Oscar appeared first on Cat Lifestyle: Mousebreath Magazine.

SOURCE: Cat Lifestyle: Mousebreath Magazine – Read entire story here.