Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

WAFFLES: Uh, Boss? How come everyone is all sad and stuff?

KATIE: Waffles, we lost a very dear friend yesterday.

WAFFLES: Well shouldn’t we go look for her? Make some signs and stuff?

KATIE: No, Waffles. Signs aren’t going to bring her back. And she’s not really lost. She’s in our hearts now.

WAFFLES: What do you mean?

KATIE: Well, you know how Glogirly says that her mom and dad live in her heart? And Nicki, the cat that came before us, he lives in her heart too.

WAFFLES: Oh yeah. She even has a special box for his memories.

KATIE: Well the really special memories don’t fit in a box. They’re so big, the only place they can fit is in our hearts.

WAFFLES: But what if my heart isn’t big enough?

KATIE: Don’t worry Waffles. When your heart is filled with love and memories and friends, there’s always enough room.

It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to a shining star of the blogosphere and a dear friend. We became acquainted with Sparkle and her renowned blog, Sparkle the Designer Cat, nearly five years ago …back when we didn’t even know there was such a thing as a cat blog. Sparkle and her behind-the-scenes human are true professionals and have inspired us to be the very best we can be. Their dedication and generosity to homeless cats has made a difference in so many lives. Their friendship and support has made a difference in our lives.

Sparkle, your light shines brightly in our hearts today and always.

Bloggers around the world are sharing their own tributes and memories. We’ve created a link-up for our readers and fellow bloggers. We invite you to spread the love by sharing links to your blog posts here. Bloggers who wish to include the link up on their sites may click HERE for the embed code.

SOURCE: GLOGIRLY – Read entire story here.

By admin