Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Wordless Wednesday



Kizmet will be popping over to Comedy Plus to join the Wordless Wednesday blog hop. If you would like to participate, click on the WW badge.

In Other News

This is The Cat on My Head‘s 3,250th published post!

Looking Back

This week’s Looking Back post features four of our angels and one current member of the Kitties Blue. It is from November 18, 2012, and is entitled, “The Cat Bowl.” Those of you who subscribe to our blog will have already received a link in your e-mail in-box. For those of you who don’t subscribe, click on the title to read the post. I put a lot of effort into updating, so I really hope you will read it and leave a comment there if you enjoy it. 

Thanks for joining us today.



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By admin